crDroid adalah rom cyanogenmod yang di tambahin fitur dari beberapa rom
seperti SlimKat, OmniRom, AOSPA dan beberapa rom lainya. crDroid ini
dikembangkan oleh Christiano Matos dan kawan2 nya. Sudah banyak
device yang di support secara official oleh team crDroid seperti Nexus
5, Moto G, One Plus One, Galaxy S4, Moto E dan lain2.
crDroid buat Smartfren Andromax C2 ini merupakan rom portingan dari Moto E yang di build oleh ashwin007 dari XDA.
Bagi siapa saja mau mencoba custom rom ini harap perhatikan hal-hal penting dibawah ini:
- Khusus untuk Andromax C2 versi lama (tanpa kamera depan)
- Sudah terinstall custom recovery Philz CWM atau TWRP
- Sebelum install sebaiknya lakukan backup ROM lama kamu.
- Segala resiko yang diakibatkan ROM ini bukan tanggung jawab kami.
Sama aja tampilannya dengan CM11
Untuk yang kedetek sebagai Mobile 8 sementara belum ada solusi agar bisa aktif internet CDMA di semua rom C2 yang berbasis CM11 .
Dynamic system bars;
Heads up (SlimKat version);
Heads up master switch;
Heads up option to open in floating window;
Heads up notification time out;
Heads up show pending background notifications;
Heads up at the bottom or top;
Heads up snoozer time;
Heads up disable on lock screen;
Heads up dismiss from left remove from all (status bar and notification drawer) and from right dismiss only from heads up;
Halo master switch;
Halo policy;
Halo size;
Halo hide after activity;
Halo notification count;
Halo enable message pop up;
Halo pause active app;
Halo ping on unlock;
Hover master switch;
Hover exclude low priority notifications;
Hover exclude non-clearable notifications;
Hover require full screen mode;
Hover notification time;
Hover exclude topmost app;
Hover exclude from insecure lockscreen;
Hover touch to hide;
Hover dismiss from left remove from all (status bar and notification drawer) and from right dismiss only from heads up;
Notifications services shortcut in expanded status bar;
Peek beautify bridging layers code
Peek configurable pickup timeout;
Peek configurable wake timeout;
Peek Blacklist;
SlimKat PIE controls;
Listview animations;
Screenshot quick trash;
Power menu QS tile (simple press to go into power dialog or long press to go into reboot dialog);
Power menu added in navring targets;
Last app added in navring targets;
Hide power menu from secure lockscreen;
Incoming call in background with heads-up option;
Navigation bar dimensions;
Enable or disable navigation bar;
Custom navbar recent long press (none, last app, screenshot, kill app, notifications panel, QS panel, power menu);
Low battery warning options;
Lockscreen PIN keypad shuffler;
Lock before unlock (Show sliders before secure unlock);
Notification force Expanded;
Notification drawer custom background and transparency;
Notifications row transparency;
Quick settings swipe to switch (all area);
Custom clear all recent button (place it in any corner of the screen);
RAM bar;
Option to hide app’s status bar notification icons;
Status bar clock and date customization;
Open source Google dialer;
Volume panel configurable timeout;
Screen recorder;
Wakelock blocker;
Media Scanner behavior on boot;
Notification reminder;
Notification reminder flip interval;
Smart Pull down;
Ability to switch between recent panel styles (Stock or SlimKat);
SlimKat recent panel;
SlimKat recent panel/card/text custom background;
SlimKat recent with option to show in left side and switch sizes (100, 85 and 70%);
SlimKat recent add favorite mode (click on app icon in recent panel to choose as favorite);
SlimKat recent developer shortcuts;
SlimKat recent floating mode;
SlimKat recent add blacklist interface;
SlimKat recent panel custom colors (panel/card/text);
Improved scrolling cache;
Ability to disable hardware keys via nav bar settings (Only visible in devices with hardware keys and enable through overlay);
Keyboard: toggle to enable/disable full screen on landscape;
Keyboard: force auto rotation on IME;
Keyboard: force to show always enter key;
Live volume steps;
Long press back to kill configurable timeout;
People lookup settings;
Option to enable notifications lights with screen on;
Brightness slider in expanded notifications panel;
Option to disable widgets frames on lockscreen;
Lockscreen notifications;
Telo Radio (Connection manager);
Smart call;
Gesture lockscreen;
Pause, resume or stop downloads from notification area;
DSP Manager: Center frequency param to bassboost;
DSP Manager: Stereo widener effect;
DSP Manager: Add loudness enhancer;
Appbar by ChameleonOS;
Launch floating window from notification (long click);
Launch floating window from recents panel (long click);
Blacklist from floating mode
Option to enable/disable hepatic feedback on tiles pressing;
Flip to Mute/Reject Call;
Call recording (blocked in some countries);
Gestures anywhere;
*New Update 30-12-2014
- menggunakan boot.img dan system terbaru
- Fix button capative
- Optimalisasi low ram
Cara Install
- Unduh crDroid-Andromax-C2 Update2
- Masuk ke CWM atau TWRP
- Lakukan Wipe Data dan Wipe Cache Partition
- Flashing ROM ini
- Reboot System Now
- Mengaktifkan Data/Internet (Menampilakan APN CDMA yang Tidak Nampak)
Masuk ke Pengaturan SIM Card, kemudian pada SIM1 aktifkan yg Tengah tunggu sampe sinyal CDMA muncul (agak delay) kemudian aktifkan lagi yang Bawah tunggu sampai sinyal muncul. Cek APN (Access Point Name) pilih
Solusi buat Mobile 8 agar bisa konek internetnya
- Bikin APN baru
- Isi APN = mobile8
- Isi Nama pengguna = m8
- Isi Sandi = m8
- Yang lain biarin aja
- Google Aplikasi (Play Store dll)
Rekomendasi buat hemat kuota pake yg PICO MODULAR PACKAGE (gapps ini juga bisa digunakan di rom crdroid,cm11 dan pacman)
- Default Penyimpanan
Silahkan ikuti tutor disini cara-merubah-default-penyimpan-dari-internal-storage-ke-externalsd ,
- Themes
Untuk themes ada di search aja kata kunci cm11
Cyanogenmod team
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